Debt Counselling South Africa
Debt has become very much a problem for South Africans in the past couple of years, and getting out of debt has become a major priority for the government of South Africa as shown when the National Credit Act made provision for Debt Counselling in South Africa.Debt Counselling South Africa.
It introduced the act after consultation with the Debt Counselors Association and began to institute the guidelines and rules that debt counselors should follow.
This has brought about many debt counselors, or companies that act as if they can get into the business of debt counselling. But, there are rules as to the fees that a debt counselor can charge, as naturally, a person who is in need does not need more debt piled on by people who claim they can help the.
There are rules and to find out more about debt counselors and debt counselling please follow this link, or click on the contact us page to send an email using the form, we will get the relevant debt professionals to get back to you.